
Learn to insert and adjust images on webpages with Divhunt, including how to upload, size, position, set aspect ratios, add descriptions, and use lazy loading.

Inserting an image tag

  • Select the div where you want to insert your image
  • Click on the image option to insert your image tag

Uploading an image

  • With the image tag selected, open the settings panel
  • Look for the source field to upload your image
  • Choose the file from your computer and upload it

Once uploaded, the image will automatically be linked to your image tag.

Sizing your image

If your image looks stretched, don't worry about editing it externally. Divhunt gives you sizing options:

  • Choose 'cover' to ensure your image covers the entire area without getting stretched or blurred
  • Play with the dimensions to make your image's width and height perfect for your layout

Positioning your image

To position your image within its container:

  • Use the positioning fields to adjust its placement
  • Enter a value to push the image from the top or bottom
  • Set it to '50%' to center the image nicely

Aspect ratio

The aspect ratio is crucial as it determines whether your image looks squished or not. Divhunt allows you to set aspect ratios like 4:3 or 16:9, ensuring your images maintain their proportions.

Alt text

Alt text is crucial for SEO and accessibility. It describes your image when it can’t be displayed, like on a slow connection. Always add a relevant description in the alt text field.

Lazy load

Lazy loading is a technique to speed up your webpage's loading time. It loads only the images currently in view, waiting to load others until they become visible as the user scrolls. It's highly recommended for pages with multiple images.

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